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How To Prevent Common Winter  Illnesses

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How To Prevent Common Winter  Illnesses

The cold weather can make some health conditions worse, so here are Bluebird Care Bromley's tips on how to avoid 4 common winter illnesses.. Unless sterile surgical gloves are part of your winter wardrobe, keep your mitts ... to develop frequent upper respiratory infections than hands-off folks, a 2013 ... Viruses that cause foodborne illnesses tend to loiter on produce.. Seasonal changes in temperature and weather can prove hazardous to your health. Find out which health issues you're at higher risk of this ...

As temperatures drop over the fall and winter months, our risk for contracting illness only goes up. Here, Dr. Karen Evans, a family medicine.... When cold weather arrives, so do coughs, colds and stomach bugs. Learn the most common illnesses during winter and how to prevent getting.... Keep yourself and your children healthy and happy this winter with a few simple ... MSN Lifestyle | The 12 pains of Christmas: common winter illnesses treated Click

Practice Prevention No matter the time of year, it's important to practice good hygiene, such as hand washing, coughing into a tissue, and avoiding contact with other people when you are contagious. If you find yourself sick during the winter months, your immune system will often handle it without any intervention.. This guide to winter illnesses from Johns Hopkins Community Physicians will help ... Colds, flus and other respiratory illnesses are more common in colder months. ... Flu viruses keep evolving, which is why flu shots, which are updated every.... The more you know about winter illnesses, the better you can protect yourself and family members from them. Here are the top 4 common... 3

Winter's Most Dreaded: Identify and avoid these six common childhood illnesses. Winter has arrived, and along with it comes cold and flu season. 90cd939017 Click

During last flu season, two different vaccines were needed; one to prevent seasonal influenza and another to protect against the 2009 H1N1 flu...